Nov 1967 to April 1968

"Blues" Platoon Leader


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Jack Reed thanking his wife for sending his boots with the rubber spider inside

L-R Standing #1 ?  #2? #3 ? #4 Maynard #5 Beshore


Standing 1- Gill, 2- Covington 3, 4 ? 5-Kimmons 6,7 ? 8- George Bull  Sitting 1-Morris 2-Frank Woods  3-Woods




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Rick Guttery & Tom Pearcy

George "Muff" Handley

John Shepardson

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George Hadley, Mike Chambers, George Briggs, Phil Asay & ?

Gill Snow, John Shepardson, Joe Crettella & Phil Asay

Resort area behind bungalow




Page 1  Excerpts of letters home in 1968  Page 2  Page 3

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